Wednesday, 27 December 2017

Unusual UK scholarships


Why not opt to spend more time in the library than at a part-time job?
STAYING afloat financially whilst at university can be challenging, stressful and at times seemingly impossible. Getting a part-time job will help ease the strain but could impact on your studies if not managed carefully. There are a number of scholarships out there that you may not have heard of. 
Here is a list of some of the more unusual scholarships and bursaries that you have probably never heard of, what you need to do to get them and also some tips for finding other ‘hidden’ avenues of funding.

Always start close to home when you're looking for a scholarship or bursary

Start with your own institution

This is probably the simplest thing to do: try searching for your university on ScholarshipSearch. Use their search bar to find your institution and see if you’re eligible. It’s worth a try because they say that millions of pounds go unclaimed each year.
I also came across this grid outlining what each institution offers which could be useful, and all funding should also be listed on your institution website.

The Vegetarian Scholarship

This one is slightly more obscure. If you are vegetarian or vegan (and can prove that you have been over the long term) and an undergraduate then you could be eligible for this one off £500 payment from the Vegetarian Charity!

Every organisation, from the armed forces to local councils, is worth contacting about their bursaries 

The Royal Navy

This scholarship is a little better known than the one above! The Navy has funding available for engineering students at universityand some eligible people in the sixth form. If the Royal Navy deem you eligible you will receive a guaranteed place at Naval College too. In-depth information can be found below.

Government-funded scholarships

Various scholarships are available, funded by the government, for international students. There is a particular emphasis on funding for students from economically developing countries within the Commonwealth especially for students seeking postgraduate study. Have a look here for a global list.

The Fran Trust

Another very interesting one that few people know about. This charity offer one-off payments of up to £500 for people who identify as female studying in the UK who regularly contribute papers on gender-related topics and who attend conferences.

The L’Oreal - UNESCO for women in science programme

This is specifically for highly talented scientists who identify as female. Various different bursaries are available for women at different stages of their career and education. Applications and closed for this year but will reopen for 2018 applicants. Check out their website for full details of what's available.

Write to the local authority in your hometown

This is definitely worth a try! I wrote a formal speculative letter to my council explaining my situation before university and was awarded a bursary of £500 for books. Try emailing or writing a paper letter to someone relatively senior or involved in education at your local council asking if they have any funding. Also, keep an eye out for your local newspaper as sometimes people in the community may pass away leaving sums of money that they wish to be donated to students studying in particular areas.
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